Meeks Admin | Jun 26, 2019
Halo House opened a 42,500 square foot facility with 33 fully furnished apartments, allowing them to triple the number of cancer patients they are able to serve, and to provide 11,000 days of housing annually.

Halo House is a 501 (c3) public charity founded in 2009 by MD Anderson Cancer Center oncologist Dr. Nathan Fowler and his mother, retired business owner Kathleen Fowler. Their vision is that one day no one battling the blood cancers leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma will have to worry about where they are going to live during treatment in Houston, or going bankrupt while paying for living, eating, and parking expenses here and their rent or mortgage back home.
At the new Be The Match Halo House, there will be a $25/night fee for a one-bedroom apartment, a rate substantially lower than area hotels, which average $120 - $229/night. A two bedroom apartment will be $35/night.
Halo House opened the doors to its first two apartments in 2011 and eventually expanded to 11 apartments. In June 2019, they will open a 42,500 square foot facility with 33 fully furnished apartments, allowing them to triple the number of cancer patients they are able to serve, and to provide 11,000 days of housing annually. To date, they have served over 340 families and provided over 22,500 days of housing.
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